Join us as we host the nonprofit organizations who have received the $1.4 million distributed in our 6 years as they showcase the projects that have been funded by Impact100 Martin.
See how these projects have evolved and are making an impact on our community. See firsthand the mobile projects with the Project LIFT “Welding on Wheels”, Martin County Police Athletic League “Mobile PAL”, House of Hopes’ “Traveling Nutrition Education Garden” and Martin County Healthy Starts’ Diaper Van and the progress on the “MOM Mobile”.
This is a community events and an opportunity to share with your family and friends the impact that your $1,000 per year is making.
Food and beverage will be available for purchase.
Please help us plan by Registering in Advance for this no cost community event by registering to attend or registering for the mobile unit tours.
Indian Riverside Park (adjacent to Children's Museum of Treasure Coast)
1707 NE Indian River Drive
Jensen Beach, FL 34957