Personal Safety and Situational Awareness

Don’t fall prey to criminals using a distraction scam to get inside your home!

Do you know 3 simple steps to safely exit a parking lot?

Situational awareness is being aware of your surroundings and the activities going on around you. With more and more distractions in our everyday lives, it is important to have situational awareness. Whether you are driving down the road, at work, on vacation, or even at the mall you need to be aware of what is happening around you. Join us as we learn to recognize the threats and hazards that exist, and how to avoid potential dangers.

BOB (Body Opponent Bag) will be available for those members interested in getting more involved with hands-on training! Personal Safety Coach & Trainer, Kevin Williams, will teach us to be proactive about personal safety: how to prevent attacks, protect ourselves and our families.

Kevin will also teach us how to navigate the web while avoiding the most common security threats: spam, scams, frauds, and identity theft. You will also gain understanding of how to spot and avoid them for your parents, children, and grandchildren. Learn what to do if you suspect a loved one has fallen victim to online crime.

Keep yourself safe online and in your physical surroundings.

Bring your friends, your Mom, your daughters, and granddaughters to this Impactful event!

All sales are non-refundable. If you are unable to attend tickets are transferable, so feel free to give your unused ticket to someone else.

If you need help logging into the Member Portal or notice something wrong with your account, please email us at
For any other assistance, please email us at


Flagler Center
201 SW Flagler Ave, Stuart

Use Member Portal to Register